ISESSAH conference 2025
Towards multiple societal burden animal health decision-making
October 14-16th 2025
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Outbreaks of exotic animal diseases and the presence of production diseases and/or endemic diseases can have serious impact. These diseases can significantly reduce the economic profitability and productivity of farming and cause disruptions in the market. Consequently, a substantial body of research exist to gain insight into these economic impacts.
Hence, decision-support on animal health is often considered from a purely economically perspective. Nowadays, in many regions, consumers and society express concerns about issues such as animal welfare, the use of antimicrobials and/or the environmental sustainability of animal production. Therefore, it is essential to shift from the traditional, solely economic perspective of animal health and also consider multiple societal burdens of animal diseases when making decisions to improve animal health. Integrating these diverse burdens into animal health decision-making represents a novel and necessary advancement to align with societal expectations and improves outcomes comprehensively.
The International Society for Economics and Social Sciences of Animal Health (ISESSAH) aims to improve animal health policies, programme and projects through more nuanced use of concepts and tools available in economics and social science disciplines. This year, the ISESSAH conference will place special emphasis on incorporating the multiple societal burdens of animal diseases into the animal health decision-making process.
The target group of the conference includes researchers, graduate students, other academics, government officials, advisors, veterinarians, industry representatives and all others interested in economics and social sciences applied to animal health.
We look forward to seeing you in Utrecht!
The conference will take place at the former anatomy building of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Bekkerstraat 141
3572 SG Utrecht
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